Asst. Prof. Dr.AVTAR SINGH
- 2018 Dr.P.H. (Food Science and Technology) มหาวิทยาลัยสงขลานครินทร์, Thailand
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaus vannamei) treated with chitooligosaccharide-catechin conjugate with the aid of prior pulse electric field and vacuum impregnation: Quality and microbial diversity during refrigerated storage". Food Bioscience, 61 (Article number : 104981) : 1-16
- Avtar Singh. 2022. "Changes in Emulsifying and Physical Properties of Shrimp Oil/Soybean Oil-in-Water Emulsion Stabilized by Fish Myofibrillar Protein during the Storage". European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 124 (10 Article number : 2200068) : 1-12
- Khamtorn Pudtikajorn. 2022. "Characterisation of fish tofu fortified with skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) eyeball scleral cartilage biocalcium". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 57 (10) : 6711-6721
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Lipases from different yeast strains: Production and application for n-3 fatty acid enrichment of tuna eyeball oil". Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 48 (Article number : 102651) : 1-16
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Chitooligosaccharides from shrimp shell chitosan prepared using H2O2 or ascorbic acid/H2O2 redox pair hydrolysis: characteristics, antioxidant and antimicrobial activities". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (5) : 2645-2660
- Pitima Sinlapapanya. 2023. "Antioxidant and antibacterial activities of indigenous plant leaf ethanolic extracts and their use for extending the shelf-life of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) mince". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (4) : 1987-1998
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "?-amylase inhibitory activity of chitooligosaccharide from shrimp shell chitosan and its epigallocatechin gallate conjugate: kinetics, fluorescence quenching and structure–activity relationship". Food Chemistry, 403 (Article number : 134456) : 1-10
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Chitooligosaccharide from Pacific White Shrimp Shell Chitosan Ameliorates Inflammation and Oxidative Stress via NF-?B, Erk1/2, Akt and Nrf2/HO-1 Pathways in LPS-Induced RAW264.7 Macrophage Cells". Foods, 12 (14 Article number : 2740) : 1-13
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Ethanolic Extract of Duea Ching Fruit: Extraction, Characterization and Its Effect on the Properties and Storage Stability of Sardine Surimi Gel". Foods, 12 (8 Article number : 1635) : 1-18
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Hyperoside improves the textural and rheological properties of threadfin bream surimi gel". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (9) : 4829-4840
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Influence of epigallocatechin gallate on quality of cooked harpiosquillid mantis shrimp (Harpiosquilla raphidea) subjected to multiple freeze-thaw cycles". Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 23 (11) : 1-14
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Inhibition mechanism of chitooligosaccharide-polyphenol conjugates toward polyphenoloxidase from shrimp cephalothorax". Molecules, 28 (14 Article number : 5560) : 1-15
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Milk fortified with chitooligosaccharide-gallic acid conjugate and its liposome: characterisation, storage stability, and in vitro digestibility". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59 (3) : 1466-1480
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Ultrasound treated fish myofibrillar protein: Physicochemical properties and its stabilizing effect on shrimp oil-in-water emulsion". Ultrasonics Sonochemistry, 98 (Article number : 106513) : 1-12
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Use of psyllium husk powder: Effects on emulsion stabilised by fish muscle proteins and gel characteristics of fish tofu". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 58 (8) : 4264-4276
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Molecular authentication and discrimination between banana shrimp and Pacific white shrimp by duplex PCR-lateral flow dipstick (dPCR-LFD) system". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 131 (Article number : 106269) : 1-10
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Multidrug-Resistance of Vibrio Species in Bivalve Mollusks from Southern Thailand: Isolation, Identification, Pathogenicity, and Their Sensitivity toward Chitooligosaccharide-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate Conjugate". Foods, 13 (15 Article number : 2375) : 1-18
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme and renin inhibitions by antioxidant shrimp shell protein hydrolysate and ultrafiltration peptide fractions". Food Bioscience, 60 (Article number : 104524) : 1-10
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Enhanced Antioxidant and Digestive Enzyme Inhibitory Activities of Pacific White Shrimp Shell Protein Hydrolysates via Conjugation with Polyphenol: Characterization and Application in Surimi Gel". Foods, 13 (24 Article number : 4022) : 1-24
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Omega-3 and unsaturated fatty acid enrichment of shrimp oil: Preparation, characterization, and its application in salad dressings". LWT, 212 (Article number : 116993) : 1-13
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Shrimp oil nanoemulsions prepared by microfluidization and ultrasonication: characteristics and stability". RSC Advances, 14 (9) : 6135-6145
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Effects of Different Phenolic Compounds on the Redox State of Myoglobin and Prevention of Discoloration, Lipid and Protein Oxidation of Refrigerated Longtail Tuna (Thunnus tonggol) Slices". Foods, 13 (8 Article number : 1238) : 1-23
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Depuration of Asian Green Mussels Using Chitooligosaccharide-Epigallocatechin Gallate Conjugate: Shelf-Life Extension, Microbial Diversity, and Quality Changes during Refrigerated Storage". Foods, 13 (19 Article number : 3104) : 1-22
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Ultrasonicated omega-3-enriched skipjack tuna eyeball oil nanoliposome: preparation, characterisation, and fortification in milk". International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 59 (10) : 6975-6986
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Chitooligosaccharide and its conjugates with different polyphenols: antihypertensive activity and blood pressure lowering effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats". Journal of Functional Foods, 113 (Article number : 106039) : 1-11
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Improvement of Surimi Gel Quality Using Protein Cross-Linker, Hydrocolloids and Protease Inhibitor". Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 24 (3 Article number : TRJFAS24808) : 1-15
- Avtar Singh. 2024. "Shrimp Oil-Enriched Mayonnaise Prepared Using Fish Myofibrillar Protein as a Substitute for Egg Yolk: Physical, Rheological, and Sensory Properties". Colloids and Interfaces, 8 (2 Article number : 22) : 1-20
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Gelation characteristics of partially purified myofibrillar proteins extracted from commercially harvested Indian mackerel and threadfin bream". Journal of Food Science, 88 (10) : 4015-4027
- Avtar Singh. 2023. "Chitooligosaccharide-catechin conjugate loaded liposome using different stabilising agents: characteristics, stability, and bioactivities". Journal of Microencapsulation, 40 (6) : 385-401
- Avtar Singh. 2025. "Synergistic effects of partially purified transglutaminase from Asian seabass liver and plant protein isolates on gelation, cross-linking, molecular interactions and rheological properties of sardine surimi proteins". Food Bioscience, 64 (NA) : 105971-105971