Additional requirement for Non-immigrant ED visa extension

Please note that there is a new additional requirement for extending your
one-year Non-immigrant ED visa: the Certificate of Classmate

It is a one-page form that a classmate of yours has to fill out,
certifying that you both attend the same class. The classmate can be Thai
or another international student. One student can certify only two
classmates per year. The form is valid for 15 days only, so do it less
than 15 days in advance from your 1-year visa extension application.
You can find all the details and the form download link in the Facebook Note:
and as below:

Certificate of Classmate
Starting 1 March 2019, the Thai Immigration Bureau requires an additional
form to be submitted for Non-Immigrant ED (student) visa extensions. The
form is called “Certificate of Classmate (STM.7 สตม.๗)”. Here is what you
need to know about this form and the relevant regulations.

The information below was officially confirmed to be accurate in Songkhla
Province, and up-to-date at the time of publication.

In addition to proving your student status, now you also need to submit
proof that you attend classes together with your classmates. You will need
the signed statement of one classmate.
Validity: 15 days
• Counted from the date written on the form.
• Don’t sign and date the form too far in advance of your visa extension
Eligibility: both Thai and International Students
• The form must be filled out by your classmate, either Thai or
• Thai students need to provide a copy of their national ID; international
students provide a copy of their passport.
• One classmate can certify the status of only two classmates per year.

Document Submission List
The following additional documents need to be submitted in connection with
this new regulation:
1. Certificate of Classmate
2. Signed copy of student ID (of the certifying student)
3. Signed copy of National ID (Thai) or passport (foreign) of the
certifying student

Certificate of Classmate (PDF, 156kb)
Further Reading
Non-Immigrant ED Visa rules and required documents

For questions, comments and assistance, please contact Ms. Jiratha Bunyayuwa:
• Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
• Tel: 66 74 282968
• Internal line: 2968

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Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University

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