International Alumni

           International graduate students have been studying at Prince of Songkla University since the 1990s, and their number has steadily grown over the years. By the end of academic year 2016, over 400 international students had obtained their master's and/or Ph.D. degree from PSU.
           A student's connection with his or her university does of course not end with graduation, and many alumni want to stay in touch with their advisors and fellow students.

Over 400 international students

Master's and/or Ph.D. degree from PSU.

          This section of the Graduate School website is dedicated to PSU's international alumni, providing information which may be relevant to you as a former PSU student.

fb logoTo interact with fellow alumni and share information, there is the PSU International Alumni Facebook group, and if you have graduated from PSU you are welcome to join it.

wechat logoFor our 80+ Chinese PSU alumni who are not able to access Facebook we are planning to establish a WeChat group soon.


List of Alumni

Facts & Figures

Alumni Profiles


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Contact Us

Graduate School, Prince of Songkla University

10th Floor, Building 2, Learning Resources Center
Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai campus, Hat Yai, Songkhla 90110 Thailand
Tel : +66 (0) 7428-6993
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