ผศ.ดร.สาระ บำรุงศรี
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- 2002 Ph.D. (Conservation Biology) University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2024. "Changes in vegetation complexity during the development of rice ecosystems affect orb-weaving spider-prey trophic networks". Basic and Applied Ecology, 79 (1) : 29-37
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2024. "Landscape composition influences colony growth in the tropical asian stingless bees (Tetragonula fuscobalteata)". Journal of Insect Conservation, 28 (1) : 113-126
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2022. "Daily roosting behaviour of the critically endangered White-bellied Heron Ardea insignis as a function of day length". Biological Rhythm Research, 53 (5) : 812-822
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2021. "Pollinators necessary for the reproductive success of critically endangered mangrove, Sonneratia griffithii". Aquatic Botany, 169 (Article number : 103340) : 1-5
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2021. "Fruit trees and herbaceous plants increase functional and phylogenetic diversity of birds in smallholder rubber plantations". BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION, 257 (Article number : 109140) : 1-11
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2021. "Bat activity and species richness in different land-use types in and around Chome Nature Forest Reserve, Tanzania". AFRICAN JOURNAL OF ECOLOGY, 59 (1) : 117-131
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2021. "THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF RUBBER-BASED AGROFOREST PLANTATIONS IN SOUTH THAILAND". Journal of Sustainability Science and Management, 16 (5) : 247-262
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2021. "Direct PCR-DGGE technique reveals wrinkle-lipped free-tailed bat (Chaerephon plicatus Buchanan, 1800) predominantly consume planthoppers and mosquitoes in central Thailand". Acta Chiropterologica, 23 (1) : 93-106
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2022. "Bat Activity in Organic Rice Fields Is Higher Than in Conventional Fields in Landscapes of Intermediate Complexity". Diversity, 14 (6 Article number : 444) : 1-19
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2022. "Homing ability in a tropical Asian stingless bee is influenced by interaction between release distances and urbanisation". Ecological Entomology, 47 (4) : 536-543
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2022. "การทดแทนของสังคมพืชที่มีอายุต่างกันในสวนยางพารา ในพื้นที่จังหวัดสงขลาและพัทลุง". วารสารวนศาสตร์ไทย, 41 (1) : 48-62
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2023. "Complete Genome of Rose Myrtle, Rhodomyrtus tomentosa, and Its Population Genetics in Thai Peninsula". Plants, 12 (8 Article number : 1582) : 1-16
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2024. "Bat pollinators: a decade of monitoring reveals declining visitation rates for some species in Thailand". Zoological Letters, 10 (5) : 1-9
- Sara Bumrungsri. 2024. "Local and landscape context affects bee communities in mixed fruit orchards in Southern Thailand". Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 26 (1) : 70-80