ศ.ดร.เบญจมาส เชียรศิลป์
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- 2003 D.Eng. (Biotechnology Engineering) Osaka University, Japan
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Effects of Temperature and Nitrogen Limitation on Growth and Lipid Production of Oleaginous Microalgae from Hot Springs". Trends in Sciences, 21 (12 Article number : 8596) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2025. "Intensification and characterization of biosorption of microalgal cells on filamentous fungal pellets as effective tools for harvesting of microalgal biomass". Separation and Purification Technology, 358 (130316) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Optimizing bioencapsulation of yeast cells by Aspergillus tubingensis TSIP9 and applications in bioethanol production through repeated-batch fermentation". Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 61 (Article number : 103377) : 1-14
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Microalgae-fungal pellets as novel dual-bioadsorbents for dye and their practical applications in bioremediation of palm oil mill effluent". Bioresource Technology, 413 (Article number : 131519) : 1-14
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2025. "Enhancing the production and immobilization of cell-bound lipase from yeast-like fungus Magnusiomyces capitatus A4C for sustainable biodiesel production in a packed bed reactor ". Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 19 (1) : 121-138
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Isolation and screening of microorganisms for high yield of succinic acid production". Biotechnology and Applied Biochemistry, 70 (3) : 1149-1161
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Biodesulfurization of Consortia Immobilized on Oil Palm Frond Biochar in Biotrickling Filters under Anoxic Conditions". Fermentation, 9 (7 Article number : 664) : 1-14
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Multilayered Nano-Entrapment of Lipase through Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Formation and the Application in Cost-Effective Biodiesel Production". APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, 193 (1) : 165-187
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Production of Chitosanase by Lentzea sp. OUR-I1 Using Acid-Pretreated Shrimp Shell in an Air-Lift Bioreactor and the Feasibility of Utilizing the Residual Biomass". WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, 12 (5) : 2445-2458
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Stepwise-Incremental Physicochemical Factors Induced Acclimation and Tolerance in Oleaginous Microalgae to Crucial Outdoor Stresses and Improved Properties as Biodiesel Feedstocks ". BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY, 328 (Article number : 124850) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Antifungal effect of volatile organic compounds produced by Streptomyces salmonis PSRDC-09 against anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum gloeosporioides PSU-03 in postharvest chili fruit ". JOURNAL OF APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY, 131 (3) : 1452-1463
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Catalytic pyrolysis of petroleum-based and biodegradable plastic waste to obtain high-value chemicals". WASTE MANAGEMENT, 127 (-) : 101-111
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Effectiveness of using two-stage anaerobic digestion to recover bio-energy from high strength palm oil mill effluents with simultaneous treatment". JOURNAL OF WATER PROCESS ENGINEERING, 39 (Article Number: 101661) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Valorization of palm oil mill wastewater for integrated production of microbial oil and biogas in a biorefinery approach". JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, 296 (Article Number: 126606) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Statistical optimization of halophilic chitosanase and protease production by Bacillus cereus HMRSC30 isolated from Terasi simultaneous with chitin extraction from shrimp shell waste". Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 31 ( Article Number: 101918 ) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "The Occurrence of Triple Catalytic Characteristics of Yeast Lipases and Their Application Prospects in Biodiesel Production from Non Edible Jatropha curcas Oil in a Solvent Free System ". CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY, 78 (5) : 1914-1925
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Purification and characterization of a highly-stable fungal xylanase from Aspergillus tubingensis cultivated on palm wastes through combined solid-state and submerged fermentation". Preparative Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 52 (3) : 311-317
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Palm Oil Decanter Cake Wastes as Alternative Nutrient Sources and Biomass Support Particles for Production of Fungal Whole-Cell Lipase and Application as Low-Cost Biocatalyst for Biodiesel Production". PROCESSES, 9 (8 Article Number : 1365) : 1-15
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Optimizing physicochemical factors for two-stage cultivation of newly isolated oleaginous microalgae from local lake as promising sources of pigments, PUFAs and biodiesel feedstocks". Bioresource Technology Reports, 15 (Article number : 100738) : 1-10
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "A modified approach for high?quality RNA extraction of spore?forming Bacillus subtilis at varied physiological stages". MOLECULAR BIOLOGY REPORTS, 48 (10) : 6757-6768
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Synergistic production of highly active enzymatic cocktails from lignocellulosic palm wastes by sequential solid state-submerged fermentation and co-cultivation of different filamentous fungi". BIOCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, 173 (Article Number : 108086) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Symbiotic Bacteroides and Clostridium-rich methanogenic consortium enhanced biogas production of high-solid anaerobic digestion systems". Bioresource Technology Reports, 14 (Article number : 100685) : 1-10
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Utilization of palm oil mill effluent as a novel substrate for the production of antifungal compounds by Streptomyces philanthi RM-1-138 and evaluation of its efficacy in suppression of three strains of oil palm pathogen". Journal of Applied Microbiology, 132 (3) : 1990-2003
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Impact of environmental factors on Streptomyces spp. metabolites against Botrytis cinerea ". Journal of Basic Microbiology, 62 (5) : 611-622
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Characterization of bio-oil and biochar from slow pyrolysis of oil palm plantation and palm oil mill wastes". Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13 (15) : 13813-13825
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Application of palm oil mill waste to enhance biogas upgrading and hornwort cultivation". Journal of Environmental Management, 309 (Article number : 114678) : 1-9
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Microbial fuel cells with Photosynthetic-Cathodic chamber in vertical cascade for integrated Bioelectricity, biodiesel feedstock production and wastewater treatment". Bioresource Technology, 346 (Article number : 126559) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Potential use of industrial by-products as promising feedstock for microbial lipid and lipase production and direct transesterification of wet yeast into biodiesel by lipase and acid catalysts". Bioresource Technology, 348 (Article number : 126742) : 1-9
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Lipid Profile, Antioxidant and Antihypertensive Activity, and Computational Molecular Docking of Diatom Fatty Acids as ACE Inhibitors". Antioxidants, 11 (2 Article number : 186) : 1-16
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Optimization of protease production by Bacillus cereus HMRSC30 for simultaneous extraction of chitin from shrimp shell with value-added recovered products". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29 (15) : 22163-22178
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Palm oil decanter cake wastes as alternative nutrient sources for production of enzymes from Streptomyces philanthi RM 1 138 and the efficacy of its culture filtrate as an antimicrobial agent against plant pathogenic fungi and bacteria ". Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2022 (xx) : xxx-xxx
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Insight on zero waste approach for sustainable microalgae biorefinery: Sequential fractionation, conversion and applications for high-to-low value-added products ". Bioresource Technology Reports, 18 (Article number : 101003) : 1-15
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Biodegradation efficiencies and economic feasibility of single-stage and two-stage anaerobic digestion of desulfated Skim Latex Serum (SLS) by using rubber wood ash". Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 162 (-) : 721-732
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Characterization of the integrated gas stripping-condensation process for organic solvent removal from model acetone-butanol-ethanol aqueous solution". Biochemical Engineering Journal, 182 (Article number : 108437) : 1-8
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Deploying two-stage anaerobic process to co-digest greasy sludge and waste activated sludge for effective waste treatment and biogas recovery". Journal of Environmental Management, 316 (Article number : 115307) : 1-10
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2021. "Turning waste into valuable products: utilization of agro-industrial oily wastes as the low-cost media for microbial lipase production ". Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1918 (Article number :0520287) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Low-cost production of cell-bound lipases by pure and co-culture of yeast and bacteria in palm oil mill effluent and the applications in bioremediation and biodiesel synthesis ". Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13 (12) : 10823-10844
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Statistical Optimization for Cost-Effective Production of Yeast-Bacterium Cell-Bound Lipases Using Blended Oily Wastes and Their Potential Applications in Biodiesel Synthesis and Wastewater Bioremediation". Fermentation, 8 (8 Article number : 411) : 1-24
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Enhanced production of astaxanthin and co-bioproducts from microalga Haematococcus sp. integrated with valorization of industrial wastewater under two-stage LED light illumination strategy". Environmental Technology and Innovation, 28 (Article number : 102620) : 1-16
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Phenol-rich bio-oil from pyrolysis of palm kernel shell and its isolated lignin". Industrial Crops and Products, 188 (Article number : 115648) : 1-8
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Chitosan-coated oleaginous microalgae-fungal pellets for improved bioremediation of non-sterile secondary effluent and application in carbon dioxide sequestration in bubble column photobioreactors". Bioresource Technology, 372 (Article number : 128675) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Fungal pretreatment and acid post-treatment for fractionation and biovalorization of palm biomass wastes into fungal oil, bioethanol, and lactic acid". Industrial Crops and Products, 196 (Article number : 116503) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Desulfurization of H2S-rich biogas using water scrubbing: Performance in pilot scale scrubber and scale-up estimation for the concentrated latex factory ". Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy, 42 (3 Article number : e14034) : 1-10
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Production of microalgal biomass and lipids with superior biodiesel-properties by manipulating various trophic modes and simultaneously optimizing key energy sources". Renewable Energy, 202 (1) : 797-808
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2022. "Performance of pilot scale two-stage anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and greasy sludge under uncontrolled mesophilic temperature". Water Research, 221 (Article number : 118736) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Enhanced biovalorization of palm biomass wastes as biodiesel feedstocks through integrated solid-state and submerged fermentations by fungal co-cultures". Bioresource Technology, 380 (Article number : 129105) : 1-8
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Enhancing Functional Properties of Fermented Rice Cake by Using Germinated Black Glutinous Rice, Probiotic Yeast, and Enzyme Technology". Food and Bioprocess Technology, 16 (5) : 1116-1127
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Bioprocess Improvement for fermentation of pigmented Thai glutinous rice-based functional beverage (Sato) with superior antioxidant properties". Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 50 (Article number : 102701) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "The Potential of Oil Palm Frond Biochar for the Adsorption of Residual Pollutants from Real Latex Industrial Wastewater". International Journal of Environmental Research, 17 (1 Article Number : 16) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Promoting Magnusiomyces spicifer AW2 Cell-Bound Lipase Production by Co-culturing with Staphylococcus hominis AUP19 and Its Application in Solvent-Free Biodiesel Synthesis ". Current Microbiology, 80 (9 Article number : 307) : 1-18
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Bio-Succinic Acid Production from Palm Oil Mill Effluent Using Enterococcus gallinarum with Sequential Purification of Biogas". Fermentation, 9 (4 Article number : 369) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Potential of butanol production from Thailand marine macroalgae using Clostridium beijerinckii ATCC 10132-based ABE fermentation". Biotechnology Journal, 18 (10 Article number : 2300026) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Biovalorization of whole old oil palm trunk as low-cost nutrient sources for biomass and lipid production by oleaginous yeasts through batch and fed-batch fermentation". Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 14 (4) : 5251-5260
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2023. "Microalgae as tools for bio-circular-green economy: Zero-waste approaches for sustainable production and biorefineries of microalgal biomass". Bioresource Technology, 387 (Article number : 129620) : 1-16
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Green biorefinery of shrimp shell waste for ?-chitin and high-value co-products through successive fermentation by co-lactic acid bacteria and proteolytic fungus". Bioresource Technology, 393 (-) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Production, purification, and characterization of acid-active chitosanase from Lentzea sp. OUR-I1 using squid pen waste as low-cost nutrient source with simultaneous recovery of bioactive compounds from microbial fermentation". Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology, 56 (-) : 1-15
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Optimization of Pectin Extraction from Melon Peel as a New Source of Pectin and Pectin Hydrolysate with Prebiotic Potential". Foods, 13 (16 Article number : 2554) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Intensifying outdoor cultivation of oleaginous microalgae in photobioreactors for simultaneous wastewater bioremediation and low-cost production of renewable biodiesel feedstocks ". Biochemical Engineering Journal, 206 (109318) : 1-13
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Successive process for efficient biovalorization of Brewers’ spent grain to lignocellulolytic enzymes and lactic acid production through simultaneous saccharification and fermentation". Bioresource Technology, 397 (130490) : 1-11
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Efficient Biovalorization of Oil Palm Trunk Waste as a Low-Cost Nutrient Source for Bioethanol Production". Energies, 17 (13 Article number : 3217) : 1-12
- Benjamas Cheirsilp. 2024. "Biovalorizing Felled Oil Palm Trunk as a Sole Feedstock for Lactic Acid Production through Efficient Simultaneous Saccharification and Fermentation". Bioresource Technology Reports, 27 (Article number : 101930) : 1-8